THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19, 2024 @ 6:00 PM
Dear University Hospital Employees,
Dear Rutgers University Employees,
Happy New Year! Hope you are doing well and staying safe.
On behalf of Teamsters Local 97, I want to thank you for the important work that you perform for our community, especially during these uncertain times.
In our country today, certain groups funded by corporations and wealthy Americans are attempting to take away the benefits and protections that you and other unionized public employees enjoy. They don’t believe public employees should have the freedom to join together and have a voice on wages, benefits and working conditions.
Given the increasing attacks on public employees, it is now more than ever that those who receive the benefits and protections of a union contract become Dues paying Members and join in strength with other Teamsters. Standing together is the main thrust of unionism and you should be a part of that strength. Now, more than ever, we must stay united!
If you are part of the Local 97 Bargaining Unit but are not paying Union Dues, please fill out the Dues Authorization Form below. It can be returned via fax to 732-381-1230 or you can email it to teamsters97@gmail.com.
If you have any questions, please call our office at (732) 381-1090 or email us at teamsters97@gmail.com
Maria S. Perez, President
Email: teamsterslocal.ninetyseven@verizon.net